
Bill of materials

Notes about the microcontroller

This project is based on the microcontroller Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense. Please don’t confuse it with the similarly named Arduino Nano 33 BLE! It is recommended to get the one with headers, so you can immediately start using it on a breadboard without needing to solder the headers on it.

Minimum materials

This is the list of minimum required materials for Tiny Trainable Instruments

Item Quantity Cost (USD) Retailer Comment
Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense with headers 1 33.40 Arduino Microcontroller
Breadboard 1 5.95 Adafruit Prototyping
Jumper wires 1 3.95 Adafruit Connections
Micro USB cable 1 2.95 Adafruit Power

Sound and movement outputs

These are the recommended materials for starters, and are taught in the workshop.

Item Quantity Cost (USD) Retailer Comment
Piezo buzzer 1 1.50 Adafruit Output sound
Micro servo 1 5.95 Adafruit Output movement

Additional outputs

These additional outputs include more expensive or more complex materials, and they are recommended for more advanced users. They are not covered on the beginner workshop, but are supported by the Tiny Trainable Instruments project and software library.

Item Quantity Cost (USD) Retailer Comment
LED 1 6.95 Adafruit Output light
MIDI DIN 1 1.75 Adafruit Output MIDI data
Thermal printer 1 61.95 Adafruit Output printed text
128x32 OLED screen 1 12.50 Adafruit Output screen